Monday, October 17, 2016

How to Find Passion in Your Work

Do you love going to work every day? Do you love spending hours and hours at work even putting time out of your personal life? In a perfect world, I think earning a salary should come from the satisfaction of doing something we believe in and makes us feel inspired so that time is an ally, and we enjoy every single minute of activities that don’t feel as work anymore. According to a Gallup survey in 2013, 70% of Americans either hate their jobs or are completely disengaged. So, if you belong to that 70% you may want to take a step back and consider where your career has taken you.

When you have a job, you will probably have a performance evaluation that can depict your performance and detail your strengths and weaknesses in the best-case scenario, but sometimes we forget that the most important feedback should come from within. Can you ask yourself these questions? Did this job or project make me happy or proud? Did I really feel that I was contributing with something I believe in? Did I really learn something that makes me a better human being? And finally, if I could do it again, would I? I believe the practice of seeking answers within you should be part of your daily life. When you ask questions, you continue learning and have a sense of awareness to experience everything to the fullest.

These are a few suggestions on discovering your passion and dedicating your time and everything you have to find that balance that can make you feel really accomplished.

Define what makes you happy and fulfilled

So you know what makes you miserable, but what makes you happy and proud? I believe that as bad and miserable as your current job can be, you should be grateful to experience it to its fullness.  One cannot know for sure or speak with authority without walking the walk, and for sure, gives you plenty of experience to help you discern what you do and do not like. Make a list of all the things that produce you joy and rank them in a scale of 1 to 10. Look at ones with the highest score and imagine a day doing that. What does it look like?

Find your talents

Many times you cannot appreciate your own talents or do not have a complete list. You have to pay especial attention to those you do without actual realization. It is other people who are ready to tell you the many qualities and values they perceive every day, but it is way more difficult identifying those from the inside. We are too busy living our lives that we rarely stop to assess our skills or wonder how to exploit them to make an additional earning. We are at our best when we use our natural talents as we all have too many things to offer. Write the story of your life identifying challenging moments and overcoming those, stories of how easy time flew by when you were doing something, times when you talked non-stop feeling passionate about some topic or were extremely successful. Also, try experiencing new and different things and ask a good friend and an acquaintance his or her opinion about your talents. You will be pleasantly surprised.

Start with something you feel confident about

If you realized your talents could produce you some extra money or eventually you can launch your own business, start with something you feel confident or you know how to do “with your eyes closed”. Exuding confidence helps convey your message extremely well and you and your product or service will be memorable when you go out there and talk to potential clients. The most successful entrepreneurs I met are the ones who believe their products are the best available in the market, and it is just a matter of time until everyone else knows.

Finding your true passion may take some time, but it is a worthy and patient process that only you can do.  I believe there are things money can’t buy and nobody knows what tomorrow may bring. Besides, don’t you want to invest your life in something you really believe in?