Friday, September 23, 2016

How to Make Sure Your Small Business Has a Future

Have you ever driven to a new place without a GPS? Have you ever planned a party without making any notes on the things you are going to buy? Just imagine these situations if you have not experienced them. In both situations, I think is possible to get a positive outcome, you eventually reach your destination or have a great party, but can you imagine the waste of resources? I would call these situations “trying to operate in the darkness” unnecessarily.

These are simple comparisons we can also apply in business. It is nearly impossible to operate a successful business in the darkness. Out of 10 business owners I talk to, 9 did not write a business plan before starting their businesses and they seek advice only after they hit a wall or struggle to continue their growth.

Writing a business plan makes any business owner 2.5 times more likely to succeed from the ones that do not write one. You don’t want to be lost in the middle of a highway hoping and praying it will take you to your destination. Working on a business plan will make you think on what you have and what you need, and that exercise will save your valuable resources especially when you are starting a business and every dollar counts.

Here are 4 powerful reasons to make you consider getting a “business GPS”.

You will come up with a solid Elevator Pitch

When you start defining what your product or service is, you need to explain it so clearly that a potential customer can explain it to you if you asked him. If you are selling puzzles for children, probably they will be somewhat easy to describe, but if you are selling financial advice or insurance, it won’t be as easy. Remember the best way to land a sale is explaining the benefits of your product, so with puzzles you are actually selling memory improvement and heightened creativity, and with insurance you are selling peace of mind and security. People respond to products or services that solve their daily problems, and that starts by your audience understanding and remembering what you sell, so a good elevator pitch can also increase your own confidence in your products or services and start putting the good word out for you.

Your business idea will be backed up by data

The key to a good business plan is research. You want your office, store, or product display to be in front of the eyes of your potential customers. So, you need to find out whom these people are and where to find them. Depending on your budget, you can use the many online free tools such as US Census or Sizeup websites, or you can buy a subscription to ESRI or IBISWorld for example.

You will have a better idea on what you are getting yourself into

Over time, you develop skills that can be put to good use in any industry, but some other times you need specific expertise and good instinct that can only be developed with constant practice in that field. Working on your business plan will make you think on specific steps you need to take and project yourself and your company in 3 to 5 years time. When you plan those specific steps, you will have another chance to think if this is something you see yourself doing. You don’t want to be stuck running a company in an industry you didn’t know from the very beginning, or much worse you don’t enjoy.

You will be taken more seriously

You can come up with business ideas, but when you put them on paper and start thinking on how to turn that idea into a reality, two things can happen: you can fall in love even more with that idea, or you will have to forget about it. Let’s face it: we all want to know if we are in love at some point. So, go figure out by yourself and work in that effort that will pay big time. You will be taken more seriously, first, by yourself, and by the people who heard you talk about your idea probably more than once.

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